Hassle-free Saving with the APS Savings Account

APS Savings Account boast hassle-free and straightforward savings. This account offers a hassle-free way of depositing and withdrawing funds for your day-to-day savings.

Features and benefits of an APS Savings Account:

APS VISA debit card

 Easy access to your money through myAPS internet and mobile banking service

Interest on deposits

Requirements to open a savings account are:

  • A minimum deposit of €25 and;
  • Over 16 years of age

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Approved and issued by APS Bank plc, APS Centre, Tower Street, B’Kara BKR 4012. APS Bank plc is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority as a Credit Institution under the Banking Act 1994 and to carry out Investment Services activities under the Investment Services Act 1994. The Bank is a participant in the Depositor Compensation Scheme established under the laws of Malta. Terms and conditions apply and are available on apsbank.com.mt/terms-and-conditions.