The APS Personal Pension Plan is a long-term plan to help customers prepare for their retirement while providing flexibility in their pension savings and investments. New subscribers to the APS Personal Pension Plan will benefit from an additional top up of €150 until 15th April 2022.

When taking out an APS Personal Pension Plan, customers will make regular contributions into their pension pot and choose from a range of ready-made investment strategies. Subscribers can keep track of their pension through an online portal. Customers setting up a personal pension plan will also benefit from a tax rebate of 25% on the annual contributions (up to a maximum of €750 per year).

Personal pension plans are distributed from all APS Branches through authorised Investment Advisors who have been trained and are authorised to distribute these plans. If you would like to set an appointment to discuss your APS Personal Pension Plan options, please visit:

The information in this page is general background information and should not be interpreted as financial, legal or tax advice. Prospective members should strongly consider obtaining independent financial, legal and tax advice before making any decision which could affect his/her investment and pension. The value of investments may rise as well as fall and currency fluctuations may affect the value of the investment. For further information relating to membership in The APS Personal Pension Plan, please refer to the Scheme Document on or alternatively contact Future changes in law and taxation could affect the treatment of the scheme and the amount of tax payable and all references to taxation are based on our understanding of current taxation law and practice as of June 2021. In order to establish their own tax status, prospective participants should seek professional tax advice.

Approved and issued by APS Bank plc, APS Centre, Tower Street, B’Kara BKR 4012. APS Bank plc is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority as a Credit Institution under the Banking Act 1994 and to carry out Investment Services activities under the Investment Services Act 1994. The APS Personal Pension Plan are licensed and regulated as a personal retirement scheme by the Malta Financial Services Authority in terms of the Retirement Pensions Act (Chapter 514 of the Laws of Malta).’ Terms and Conditions on the APS Pension Plan offer apply and are available upon request.