The much-awaited credit cards have now been launched at APS Bank and they are being offered at no charge or fee! L-Iljunl-Arzellal-Imzejna are the three card designs customers can choose from for the Classic Credit Cards, while il-Pum tad-Deheb is the Gold Credit Card. Both cards can be used world-wide and include several benefits such as cashback schemes, contactless secure payments and purchase protection. The Gold Card has additional benefits, including travel insurance, vehicles hire excess protection and life insurance. Similar to the APS Debit Cards, the new credit cards are made of PLA, a material made of 80% renewable sources, and contain a notch cut-out to help visually impaired customers.

Anthony Buttigieg, Chief Banking Officer commented, “We are pleased to be offering this card to the market, with its many attractive benefits, flexibility and no-fee features. It is a long-awaited but much welcome complement to our suite of payment products.”