Next APS talk: The importance of honeybees

The upcoming APS talk on Thursday 28th April 2022 aims to raise awareness about the importance of honeybees, along with their positive impact on the ecosystem. The talk will be delivered by Prof. David Mifsud, distinguished for his accomplishments in the biological sciences, particularly in the field of entomology and the preservation of honeybees. Prof Mifsud graduated with BSc and MSc from the University of Malta and pursued his studies in Basel, Switzerland, where he earned a PhD in Zoology in 2001. He was awarded the fellowship of the Linnean Society (FLS) and that of the Royal Entomological Society (FRES) and was made a Member of the Order Merit (MOM) in 2016. Dr Mifsud is an Associate Professor at the University of Malta, President of the Entomological Society of Malta and founder of the Association of Maltese Apiculturists.

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