APS Bank is pleased to announce a new Bond Issuance Programme, as part of its plans to strengthen capital and in line with regulatory requirements. The first series under the Programme is the issue of up to €50,000,000 5.8% Unsecured Subordinated Bonds 2028-2033, which will be listed on the Official List of the Malta Stock Exchange.

The offer will open on Monday 30 October 2023 and close on Friday 17 November 2023, or earlier at the Bank’s discretion. Applications will be accepted at all APS Bank branches or at Authorised Financial Intermediaries listed in the Final Terms of the Base Prospectus.

Allocation preference will be given to existing holders of the Bank’s Ordinary Shares or the 3.25% Subordinated Bonds 2025-2030 as at Monday 23 October 2023. These investors will be receiving a pre-printed application form at their address provided in the Central Securities Depository Register.

Marcel Cassar, APS Bank CEO commented, “This bond issue is not only another important milestone in the Bank’s journey but a testament to our commitment to grow, and to further create value for our customers, investors and all stakeholders.”

The Bond Prospectus and Final Terms may be downloaded from apsbank.com.mt/bonds/