This June marks the 10th anniversary of the first Maltese retail ethical investment fund. Launched by APS Funds SICAV plc, the APS Regular Income Ethical Fund was a milestone for both the SICAV and APS Bank plc in their endeavour to secure good investment returns through adherence to the principles outlined in the fund’s Ethical Policy. Long before ‘ESG’ became a fashionable term, the fund invests in companies and organisations whose business shows a responsible approach to social, environmental, and governance issues. Excluded from the investment universe are activities known to have a negative impact on society, such as firearms, tobacco, gambling, alcohol, etc., as well as those that operate harmful labour and environmental practices.

APS Funds SICAV plc is managed by ReAPS Asset Management, a wholly owned subsidiary of APS Bank. Josef Portelli, APS Bank Head of Investment Management and ReAPS Managing Director, said: “This Fund was truly innovative in Malta at its time of launch and has performed well over the past decade. We strongly believe in this product, as it is very much in line with the Bank’s ESGs principles. Ethical investing is beneficial for both investors and society at large, as it supports businesses that follow ethical business practices.”

Disclaimer: The APS Regular Income Ethical Fund is a sub-fund of APS Funds SICAV plc. The value of the investment may fall as well as rise and currency fluctuations may also affect the value of the investment. Income and frequency of payments are not guaranteed. Investments are to be based on the Prospectus of APS Funds SICAV plc, APS Regular Income Ethical Fund Offering Supplement and Key Investor Information Documents, which may be obtained from APS Bank plc, any of its branches and other licensed investment intermediaries, or Any initial or exit fees that may apply may lower the amount invested and the amount received upon redemption. APS Funds SICAV plc is managed by ReAPS Asset Management Limited, a subsidiary of APS Bank plc, and licensed to provide investment services in Malta by the MFSA. APS Funds SICAV plc and its sub-funds are licensed by the MFSA as a Collective Investment Scheme pursuant to the Investment Services Act and the UCITS Directive.

The information contained in this document is intended to be of general interest only and should not be considered as an offer, investment recommendation or solicitation to deal in the shares of APS Regular Income Ethical Fund.