Photo credit: Elisa von Brockdorff

APS Bank supported ‘Reliving Bighi through Communities’ Stories’, an artistic-research project on the ex-Royal Naval Hospital (“RNH”) Bighi, located in Kalkara. The project examined the historical and architectural function of the former RNH Bighi, and the social and cultural relevance for the place to the connected communities.

Preliminary research, including archival and literature material was followed by an open call to the public for the submission of community stories related to the former RNH Bighi. Contributors were then invited to a series of gatherings, to share their memories and experiences. Five short films, produced from the research and community-sourced content, were screened at an event for the community. The event also included a moderated, panel discussion amongst the project team members about their experience of the project and spontaneous interaction with the community audience.

Jeremy Vassallo, CSR Manager at APS Bank stated, “This was an extremely interesting project which we proudly supported. The extensive research and information collected have enriched our Maltese heritage, as these memories have now been collected, curated and shared online for all to enjoy.”

Short films created from this research are being shared on Esplora’s  YouTube channel.

Reliving Bighi through Communities’ Stories is a collaboration between Esplora – Malta’s Interactive Science Centre, community and socially engaged artist Kristina Borg, heritage consultant Christian Mifsud and filmmaker Matthew Calleja from Videocafe.

This project is supported by Arts Council Malta and APS Bank.