APS Bank plc is supporting World Blood Donor Day celebrated on 14 June. The World Health Organisation set this year’s slogan as “Give blood, give plasma, share life, share often”. The Bank is helping to spread this message and raise awareness on the importance of blood donation by displaying motivational visuals on the digital screens in branches. The same visual is being shown on the LED billboard at the Head Office in Swatar, complemented with the building façade being lit red for the first two weeks of June.

Jeremy Vassallo, CSR Manager at APS Bank, commented “We truly believe in supporting this life-saving act of solidarity and we are encouraging our teams and customers to do their part to help people within the community, as blood is a gift of life.”

Over the past months APS Bank has made its communication channels and platforms available to registered voluntary organisations to help promote similar campaigns. For more information, please reach out to csr@apsbank.com.mt.