At APS, we are committed to listening to our customers' feedback and complaints as part of our efforts to put your needs first in all that we do. Whether a staff member has gone the extra mile and you would like to tell us about it, or you have not received the service you would expect and have a complaint. Either way, we want to hear your views. You can channel your feedback directly to our dedicated Voice of the Customer team using the form below.
"*" indicates required fields
Feedback & Complaints
Any expression of displeasure that we receive from you is a complaint. This can include but is not limited to:
- complaints about products or services that did not meet your specific needs;
- sub-standard service we provided in managing your banking needs on a day-to-day basis; or
- any inappropriate interactions relating to the features, functions and practices of our products.
If at any point, you feel that our service was below par, let us know by any of the following methods. We encourage your feedback and you will not be charged for raising a complaint.
You can file a complaint by:
- Filling in our Feedback Form here. This form allows you to add attachments, in case you would like to add supporting documents to your complaint.
- Calling our Contact Centre on (+356) 2122 6644.
- Speaking to a representative in person at any one of our branches,
- Writing to - Voice of the Customer, APS Bank plc, APS Centre, Tower Street, Swatar, BKR 4012, Malta.
To help us resolve your complaint as quickly and effectively as possible, kindly provide us with the following information:
- Your name and surname
- Your ID card number or passport number
- Your email address
- A phone/mobile number and the best time to contact you
- A summary of your concern/s
- How you would like us to resolve the matter
- Any supporting documentation to help your case
Once we receive your complaint, we will send an acknowledgement by letter or email. You should receive this within 2 working days from receipt of your complaint. The acknowledgement will indicate the timeline by which the matter is intended to be resolved.
We will get in touch with you if we need to clarify anything with you during the course of our investigation. This will be carried out whenever possible via phone or email.
Understandably, some of our more complex complaints will take longer to resolve. If our investigation takes longer than 15 working days, we will issue a holding update, which will include a revised timescale for the final response. In this event, the final response should not exceed 35 business days in total.
We will get in touch if we need any clarification. Although, if you believe there is more information that could help us with our investigation, please send an email to the Voice of the Customer Unit at (including the complaint reference number, if you have already received an acknowledgement).
You can withdraw a complaint by notifying us of your wish to do so and the reason why you wish to withdraw the complaint. This can be either by email or post.
Yes, however, since we are unable to collect additional information when a complaint is made anonymously, we might not be able to take specific action to address the concern. This also implies that the complainant cannot receive a response. We will nonetheless take the complaint into consideration and, if it can, take action to resolve any issues that may be adversely affecting our customers.
We hope we will be able to resolve your concerns to your satisfaction. If after receiving the final response you remain dissatisfied, you have the option of contacting the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services.
You can write to the Arbiter on the below address:
The Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services
First Floor
Pjazza San Kalcidonju
Floriana, Malta
FRN 153O
You may obtain further information about this independent body by accessing their website at or emailing them on
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