APS Bank is here to ensure your business succeeds with our business banking offerings. A growing, or large, business requires a specialised financial strategy. Whether your company works directly with customers or is geared towards serving other businesses, every organisation requires expert financial direction. This is why, at APS, we offer a personalised relationship that ensures the right support.
Always present
The financial needs of a successful organisation are constantly evolving. With APS, your management team can set their mind at rest as we maintain a constant presence to ensure your business needs are met even as they arise. We will assign your company a Relationship Manager as a direct point of contact; whenever your organisation requires financial direction, we are only a phone call away.
Your business banking partner
We understand how important it is for a prosperous business to rely on a long-term, trustworthy business partner. An APS Relationship Manager will become familiar with every area of your organisation, so as to always be in a position to offer you a tailor-made business banking solution. We appreciate that you know the inner workings of your business best, but we take it upon ourselves to offer bespoke guidance.
Specialised-sector expertise
At APS, we believe in the importance of understanding the realities of your business portfolio. APS Relationship Managers are industry specialists with in-depth knowledge of specific sectors.
This means that you will receive guidance and advice specialised to your sector.
Time-to-market is kept to a minimum
We are aware that market constraints never stop and that a busy organisation cannot lose money waiting for the right financial advice. The APS business banking processes are streamlined to address requests for support with a minimum response time.

Valuing your custom
As a business customer, your organisation is assigned a Relationship Manager to support your financial department and allow your team to concentrate on the continued activities of your business.
Some of the services offered by APS are:
✓ Internet and mobile banking
✓ Direct credit for salaries
✓ Business development loan
✓ Business mortgage loan
✓ Business overdraft
✓ Business bridge loan
✓ Capital expenditure loan
✓ Green loans for environmentally-friendly products
✓ Commerce facility
Elevate your goals with the MDB SGS Business Loan
The MDB SME Guarantee Scheme (SGS) Business Loan makes it easier for businesses, including startups, to access financing to grow their business. This loan is being offered in collaboration with the Malta Development Bank (MDB).
All you need to open an account
Companies and commercial entities
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02 (Completed and signed by the appointed entity representative)
- Draft Memorandum and Articles of Association (signed and dated by the Entity Representative)
- Identification Documents of: Entity Representative
- Proposed Corporate Shareholding Structure Chart
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- Certification of Registration issued by the Malta Business Registrar (MBR)
- Memorandum and Articles of Association (M&A)
- Corporate Shareholding Structure Chart (if part of a Group of Companies)
- APS Bank Connected Party Application Form CA03 (Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s) and/or Controlling Persons with vested interest)
- Identification Documents of:
Ultimate Beneficial Owner Signatory(ies)
Key Controller(s)
Entity Representative(s)
Legal Representative(s)
For Pharmacies and Pharmaceutical distributors: License issued by Malta Medicine Authority
For Hotels and Restaurants: License issued by the Malta Tourism Authority
For Recruitment Agencies: License issued by Department for Employment and Industrial Relations
For Transport Sector Operator: License issued by Transport Malta
For Insurance, Insurance Brokers, Tied Intermediaries and other Licenced Financial Services Entities requiring Clients’ Accounts:
- APS Bank FCC Questionnaire
- APS Bank Clients’ Account Declaration
- Company’s Customer Acceptance Policy & AML Handbook.
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- Certification of Registration issued by the Malta Business Registrar (MBR)
- Memorandum and Articles of Association (M&A)
- Corporate Shareholding Structure Chart (if part of a Group of Companies)
- Identification Documents of: Signatory(ies)
Key Controller(s)
Entity Representative(s)
Legal Rep (s)
Optional Documents:
- APS Bank Connected Party Application Form CA03 (for Controlling Persons with vested interest)
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- APS Bank Connected Party Application Form CA03 (for Partners with vested interest)
- Certification of Registration issued by the Malta Business Registrar (MBR)
- Partnership Agreement/deed
- Identification Documents of:
Partner(s) with vested interest
Key Controller(s)
Entity Representative(s)
Legal Representative(s)
For Pharmacies and Pharmaceutical distributors: License issued by Medicine Authority
For Hotels and Restaurants: License issued by the Malta Tourism Authority
For Recruitment Agencies: License issued by Department for Employment and Industrial Relations
For Transport Sector Operator: License issued by Transport Malta
For Insurance, Insurance Brokers, Tied Intermediaries and other Licenced Financial Services Entities requiring Clients’ Accounts:
- APS Bank FCC Questionnaire
- APS Bank Clients’ Account Declaration
- Company’s Customer Acceptance Policy & AML Handbook.
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- APS Bank Connected Party Application Form CA03 (Partner(s) and/or Controlling Persons with vested interest)
- Partnership agreement/deed
- Updated list of Partners
- Identification Documents of:
Legal Representative(s)
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- APS Bank Connected Party Application Form CA03 (Controlling Persons with vested interest)
- Certification of Registration issued by the Registrar for Legal Persons
- Partnership agreement/deed
- Updated list of Partners
- Identification Documents of:
Legal Representative(s)
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- Certificate of Registration (issued by Co-Operatives board)
- Statute / Constituting Document (stamped by Co-Operatives board)
- Updated list of Executive Committee Members (stamped by Co-Operatives board)
- Identification Documents of:
Key Controller(s)
Legal Representative(s)
Optional Documents:
- APS Bank Connected Party Application Form CA03 (Controlling Persons with vested interest)
Voluntary, Religious and Not-For-Profit Organisations
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- The Organisation's Statute (signed by Legal Representatives)
- Certificate of Registration (issued by the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations) and/or Cert of Registration issued by the Registrar of Legal Persons. (If LPF certificate is held please refer to Foundations)
- Executive Committee Members list (Stamped by the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations - CVO). If not in hand, APS Bank Form ACC48 authorising the Bank to access this information from the CVO.
- Identification Documents of:
Key Controller(s)
Legal Representative(s)
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- The Organisation's Constituting Document (signed by Legal Representatives)
- Executive Committee Members list (on the association letterhead and signed by Legal Representatives)
- Identification Documents of:
Key Controller(s)
Legal Representative(s)
Optional Documents:
- Registration Certificate issued by SPORTMALTA. As from 1st January 2025, the Registration issued by the Authority for Integrity of Maltese Sport will apply.
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- APS Bank Connected Party Application Form CA03 (Controlling Persons with vested interest) - If applicable
- Exemption letter (issued by the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations or Warranted Legal Professional)
- The Organisation's Constituting Document (signed by Legal Representatives)
- Executive Committee Members list
- Identification Documents of:
Key Controller(s)
Legal Representative(s)
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- Letter of Appointment of the Provincial Delegate
- Letter of Authority for new banking relationship (signed by Provincial Delegate)
- Constituting Document (signed by Legal Representative/s - if applicable)
- Executive Committee Members list (signed by Legal Representative/s - if applicable)
- Identification Documents of:
Key Controller(s)
Legal Representative(s)
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- Letter of Appointment (issued by (signed by either Their Excellencies The Archbishop of Malta, Bishop of Gozo or Auxiliary Bishop)
- Letter of Authority for new banking relationship (signed by either of Their Excellencies The Archbishop of Malta, Bishop of Gozo or Auxiliary Bishop)
- Constituting Document (signed by Legal Representative/s - if applicable)
- Executive Committee Members list (signed by Legal Representative/s - if applicable)
- Identification Documents of:
Key Controller(s)
Legal Representative(s)
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- Certificate of Registration (issued by Department of Industrial & Employment Relations)
- Statute of the Trade Union
- Updated list of Council / Executive Committee Members (signed by legal representatives)
- Identification Documents of:
Key Controller(s)
Legal Representative(s)
Government Entities
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- Law Constituting the Government Organisation
- Government Gazette confirming appointment for Key Controllers
- Identification Documents of:
Administrator(s)/Executive Committee Member(s)
Key Controller(s)
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- Government Gazette confirming appointment for Mayor and Executive Secretary
- Letter of Appointment of the Executive Secretary (issued by Department of Local Government)
- Identification Documents of:
Key Controller(s) ie. Mayor & Executive Secretary
Foundations and Trusts
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Connected Party Application Form CA03 (Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s), Founders and/or Controlling Persons with vested interest)
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- Foundation Deed (signed by Legal Representatives)
- Cert of Registration issued by the Registrar of Legal Persons.
- Update list of Administrators/Executive Committee Members
- Identification Documents of:
Founder(s) (if applicable)
Legal Representative(s)
Optional Documents:
- Certificate of Registration (issued by Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations)
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- APS Bank Connected Party Application Form CA03 (for Settlors and Beneficiaries)
- Trust Deed/Extract (signed by Legal Representatives)
- Identification Documents of:
Protector(s) (where applicable)
Entity Representative(s)
Optional Documents:
- Constitution Document of the Trustee Company (if applicable)
Schools and other educational institutions
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- APS Bank Connected Party Application Form CA03 (Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s) and/or Controlling Persons with vested interest)
- License referring to Head of School issued by the Minister of Education
- Letter (signed by School Owners and Head of School) authorising the opening of account
- Identification Documents of:
Head of School
Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s) or Controlling Persons (as applicable)
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- License referring to Head of School issued by the Minister of Education
- Letter (signed by Provincial of the Congregation / Rector) authorising the opening of account
- Identification Documents of:
Head of School
Rector/Provincial Delegate (as applicable)
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- License/Appointment referring to Head of School issued by the Minister of Education
- Letter from Ministry of Education (authorising the opening of the account)
- and confirming the Head of School
- Identification Documents of:
Head of School
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- APS Bank Connected Party Application Form CA03 (Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s) and/or Controlling Persons with vested interest)
- License issued by the Minister of Education
- Certificate of Conditional Provisional Registration (issued by the Minister of Education)
- Identification Documents of:
Key Controller(s)
Legal Rep(s)
Ultimate Beneficial Owners(ies) or Controlling Persons (as applicable)
Mandatory Documents:
- APS Bank Corporate Onboarding Form CA02
- APS Bank Appointment of Bankers Form AB01
- Notice of Appointment of Administrator (Form 1)
- Appointment of Administrator (Signed by Condominium owners + stamped by Land Register)
- Identification Documents of:
Signatory(ies) (if applicable)
Business queries
Book an appointment
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Approved and issued by APS Bank plc, APS Centre, Tower Street, B’Kara BKR 4012. APS Bank plc is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority as a Credit Institution under the Banking Act 1994 and to carry out Investment Services activities under the Investment Services Act 1994. Terms and conditions apply and are available on request.